
Disclaimer: Understanding the Terms of Service

Neev Realty (referred to as “Neev Realty/We/Our/Us”) takes every measure to prevent misrepresentation, fraud, and illegal activities on its website (https://www.neevrealty.in), but cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of user-generated content. Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of any information found on the site and consulting legal practitioners before acting upon it.

By using our website, you acknowledge that you assume all risks associated with its use, and our liability is strictly limited. We do not verify the authenticity of user-generated content, including property listings and opinions, and are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from their use. Neev Realty acts solely as a platform for communication between users and does not guarantee the financial capability of any party involved in transactions facilitated through the site.

We are not liable for any errors, interruptions, or technical malfunctions of the website or associated services, nor do we guarantee specific outcomes from its use. Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using the service, and we are not responsible for any disclosures of user information or inaccuracies therein.

Neev Realty does not warrant that the website will be free of operational hazards or harmful components, and users are advised to verify all information received through the site. We do not control the behavior of users or the outcome of transactions, and users should exercise caution when interacting with others on the platform.